2025. február 23., vasárnap - Alfréd


The biggest office relocation transaction on the market in the past 2 years

2012-07-05 347
 T-Systems Hungary Ltd. has recently moved into its new office location.  By leasing more than 15 000 m2 of office space and 500 parking places in South Buda Business Park, it is the biggest office relocation transaction on the market in the past 2 years, and the 6th largest office leasing transaction in CEE since the beginning of 2010.
 Colliers International acted on behalf of the Landlord South Buda Business Park, a 24 500 m2 office building in the fastly developing Southern Buda business district.  “We are very happy with T-Systems as our new key tenant and are sure they will be pleased with their new premises together with the various services the direct surroundings are offering them.” - said Leopold Sandler, CEO of the developer GLD Invest.

“After a long and thorough searching process, SBBP was chosen because of its location, its capacity to house more than 1400 people in an efficient and flexible way.” said Robert Budafoki, CEO of T-Systems Hungary Ltd. which offers customized infocommunications solutions to corporate and institutional customers. “Furthermore the developer was able to offer all the mentioned benefits on very competitive terms. The new office space is one of the basic conditions of our harmonised operation.”

“We are very pleased and proud that more than a year of hard work has now resulted in this fantastic transaction. Together with a number of significant other assignments this major deal shows how strong we are in the office leasing market and that our young and talented team is proving more and more its strength.” - says Tim Hulzebos, Managing Director of the leasing agent Colliers International in Hungary.

Source: Colliers International

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