2025. január 23., csütörtök - Zelma


The future of Bosnyak Square: a Zuglo flagship or rubbish dump? Decission on Tuesday

2009-11-30 566
 The negotiations are approaching to the end about Zugló city center. On 1st December 2009 will be the last voting regarding the Mundo-project which has been once supported by the majority of the council, but because of the the mayor's veto ...

... a re-voting is needed. Central and Eastern Europe's one of the most successful real estate developer, Echo Investment entered the Hungarian property market in 2006 when they took part on a public procurement tender regarding the developement of the Zuglo city center at the Bosniak Square. For the start of the public project – in the amount of 200 million EURs – may be given way by the simple majority of the votes, soon.

“The Mundo project as a multifunctional, modern centre will be a new Zuglo heart. In our opinion the district and its ihabitants deserve for new urban quality. Its als the high time to bring back Bosnyak Square to city citizens and stop to degrate and turning it into a waste land. It is very important to mention that lack of decission will lead to serious delay of the project and cause definite loss for the district: no income (local and building tax), no development, no infracture, no new workplaces. The concill will decide: to revive the district centre, or to abandan the area and let it die under rubbish for further years. Our design has been widely presented many times and now is commonly known, and we are sure that meets public expectations” – project manager of Echo Investment, Ahmet Cetin reflected on the inquiry of the OGH news agency regarding the last voting process.  

As the project manager stated, the project plans have been evoluting during the project procedure like in case of every projects, but Echo Investment kept all basic elements of their offer. In addition to the shopping mall with some 200 shops Mundo will also include a modern fitness center, cinemas, restaurants and other catering establishment. Four office buildings and further sevice centres, last but not least the local government’s offices are also part of the original plans.

MUNDO plans exceed assumption data included in original distrit’s regulations. The project will increase the green space by 30% contributing to a better standard of living of the inhabitants of Zuglo. It is no coincidence that at the prestigious annual real estate exhibitions, at MAPIC Cannes, Mundo Center  had been chosen among the five most interesting projects 2008, which played a prominent role in architectural solutions (such as the glas passage or green roofs, which notwithstanding the general use will also be a living part of the complex). In addition, the commercial unit - also a unique way - is planned with natural light, according to which the international jury of professionals listed the investment among the bests.

At the last voting  the Mundo-project has been supported by the majority of Zuglo’s council, just because of the mayor's veto is a re-voting. According the voting procedures this time the start of the public project may be given way by the simple majority of the votes.



Source: O|G|H



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