2025. február 23., vasárnap - Alfréd


ConvergenCE strengthen its Property Management with a new colleague

2012-06-08 412
ImageGabriella Fábri MRICS has joined ConvergenCE from EC Harris Hungary Kft., to head up its Property Management team. Gabriella has 15 years of real estate experience in Hungary in consultancy, development, investment and property management.
Alan Vincent, Managing Director of ConvergenCE commented; „We are delighted to have Gabi join us to strengthen our Property Management initiative. Her skills and experience, combined with our ability to lease up offices in difficult market conditions and our deep technical knowledge due to our development background, gives us a powerful competitive advantage with building owners looking for more than simple property management services. “
ConvergenCE is primarily an investment & development company, which also provides asset management, property and project management services in Hungary and Slovakia.

ConvergenCE, exclusive country partner of the Europa Funds since 2004, is primarily an nvestment & development company which also provides asset management and project managementservices in Hungary and Slovakia. Since its establishment, the company has secured five development rojects with a total investment volume of over €150 million in the office, retail and logistics sectors,  of which are Europa Fund investments. CovergenCE also has investment assets with a value of €120 illion under management. The management of ConvergenCE has extensive experience in the region ince 1992 and previously managed the development of over 200,000m2 of commercial office and ogistics warehouse space in Hungary.

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