2025. január 19., vasárnap - Sára


Colliers Integrates Services Globally under a Single Brand

2010-09-15 1004
Colliers International offices in the Central & Eastern Europe have officially adopted the new Colliers International market position and brand, including a modernized logo, as part of a campaign being undertaken by offices around the globe to bring Colliers International real estate professionals and service lines under one enterprise.  

The consolidation under a single brand signifies Colliers International’s commitment to providing clients with seamless access to a complete set of real estate services, whether those services are required locally, nationally or internationally.  

“Today is not simply about a new look and feel,” said Hadley Dean, Managing Partner, CEE.  “It is more about the completion of our integration into a truly global platform with a breadth and depth of services that will enable us to meet every one of our clients’ commercial real estate needs, whether it is in Europe or on the other side of the world.”

Also included in the new branding are FirstService Real Estate Advisors, which provides corporate solutions and property and asset management services, FirstService Williams (the New York Tri-State hub for Colliers International), FirstService PGP Valuation and PKF Capital – Hotel Brokerage Services. All of these firms will now be known collectively as Colliers International.

“Colliers International is one of the world’s most respected real estate brands, and the name is synonymous with the highest levels of service excellence,” said Chris McLernon, Chief Executive Officer, EMEA. “The strategic integration of our business and the launch of our new look and feel not only announce to the industry that we are committed to delivering best-in-class service, but that we are a single enterprise with a market leading platform.”   

“Colliers International is focused on accelerating success—for our clients, for our people and for our communities,” said Douglas Frye, global president and CEO of Colliers International.  “We’ve worked tirelessly to grow our platform and enhance the depth and scope of our services into a top tier global commercial real estate services firm and now the world can expect seamless service delivery from one organization.”

“Since my arrival in August I feel a very positive mood, our service level is improving and we are winning business from our competitors, also because we have a better story to tell to our Clients.” – said Tim Hulzebos, Managing Director at the Hungarian office of Colliers International.


Source: Colliers


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