2025. február 25., kedd - Géza


City logistics is still popular in spite of the economic crisis

2009-07-01 614

Another lease agreement has been signed in Citypoint9 in the IXth district in June, 2009, this time for the last available unit of Building “B”. The project that is located in the center of Budapest has great achievements in spite of the economic crisis; due to the latest transaction, Building “B” with its 6,300 sqm has reached 100% occupancy rate.

The new Tenant is Logicom Hungary Ltd., an IT company with English background – informed us Csaba Dobos, representing the industrial division of Colliers Hungary Ltd.

Due to the flexible structure of Citypoint9 developed by ConvergenCE, the unit leased by Logicom, is being developed according to the Tenant’s needs entirely. The new Tenant will begin its operation after the handover in a 389 sqm warehouse and a 126 sqm office area in the summer of 2009.  The excellent aptitudes of the project in the IXth district – the closeness of the city center as well as the M0 ring road, and the great public transportation accessibility, which is advantageous for the workers – has made the decision even easier for the Tenant.

In Csaba Dobos’s opinion, one of the reasons for the continuous popularity of this city logistics development is that the project is suitable for multiple functions: company headquarters, warehouse, production/assembly hall, office, show room or wholesale unit. The newest building of the logistics park, Building ”C” with its 9,000 sqm offers warehouse space with the same flexible structure.

Source: O|G|H


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