2025. január 19., vasárnap - Sára


Domestic and international award for Colliers

2009-05-22 642

Each year, international outsourcing alliance IAOP (International Association of Outsourcing Professionals) and Fortune Magazine publishes its ”Top 100” list of prominent companies that provide their partners with an outstanding consultancy or services background within a wide range of operations.

In 2009, having fulfilled the most rigorous conditions for nomination and evaluation, real estate advisory Colliers International ranked 12th on the list of the Top 100 services companies.

The company was also acknowledged on another occasion in 2009 as, just like last year, it won the Business Superbrands award. The internationally successful Business Superbrands Program was launched in Hungary last year. Under the Superbrands umbrella, a committee of 14 independent experts voted for the best B2B brands in Hungary.

„We are pleased and honored by both prestigious awards. We are proud of them, as they show that our work and endeavor are appreciated on the market. Such feedback is very important for a company regardless of its range of operations and market position, as it shows that the company is on the right track, and inspires for further development. We continue to consider providing local, regional and multinational clients with the collective experience of a global corporation our most important mission,” said János Hidasi, Operative Managing Director of Colliers International in Budapest.

Source: O|G|H


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