2025. február 23., vasárnap - Alfréd


Sony decided to relocate to a higher level

2012-06-11 471
 Sony had decided to relocate to a higher level in its current office building including a full upgrade of the new space in the second half of the year. The Hungarian affiliate of the Japanese consumer electronics company is going to occupy 1200 m2 in the Óbuda Gate office building, Kata Mazsaroff, ...

... Head of Tenant representation of Colliers International informed the OGH News Agency.

Kata Mazsaroff, Head of Tenant representation and Mariann Tóth, Senior Associate has tenant represented Sony during their office search and lease negotiations. „Sony had decided to relocate to a higher level in its current building including a full upgrade of the new space. Due to the flexibility of the landlord we were able to meet SONY's requirements and realize the targeted savings as well” – pointed out the real estate experts of Colliers International.  

Excellent Buda location and good accessibility, unique views onto the Margaret Island and Margaret Bridge, award winning architectural design and quality construction, class ’A’, modern offices with several in-house services – this is what Óbuda Gate provides. The office building designed in Scandinavian and Hungarian style was built in 2001 by using first quality Swedish materials. The Ybl Award winner Hungarian architect Lajos Horváth won the “Property Award 2002 – Prize for the best office building” for designing Óbuda Gate in 2002 and the award of Pro Architectura in 2003.

Source: Colliers InternationalOGH News Agency   


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