2025. március 7., péntek - Tamás


Another new tenant has chosen WestLog DC - Retz Furniture

2010-04-28 975
 Spring has arrived to the logistics market too: WestLog DC has again increased its number of tenants. The company that operates Retz Furniture rented major office and warehouse space in March 2010 in the logistics center along the M1 highway.

Retz Furniture, launched as a family enterprise at the end of 90’s, has developed to a business network by now with 30 quality furnished stores throughout the country and has been playing a major role in the furniture retail and wholesale segment. We asked Dr. Ferenc Tábik, managing director of Retz Trend Ltd., why they had chosen WestLog DC to be their logistics centre for serving the entire Hungarian network of the company: “Every aspect of our operations is characterized by quality, reliability, and high standard. The flexibility of the operators of WestLog DC will contribute to an even higher standard of customer service and to our plans to expand our network.”
The occupancy rate of WestLog DC that provides complex services is now close to 50%; in addition to this, -as a result of the new marketing campaign - there are serious ongoing negotiations for the remaining vacant space as well. “The industrial market seems to be shifting out of its static state which naturally provides new energy and motivates the landlords to come up with innovative solutions” – says György Szucsány, the Hungarian general manager of the company.
WestLog is still one of the largest high bay warehouse buildings on the Central and Eastern European market.
Developed infrastructure and state-of-art security system complete the incomparable technical construction of the building. Racking system, forklifts, furniture, and unique rental strategy contribute to the ‘everything under one roof’ concept. Everybody can find a customized solution: from clients who only need a couple hundred pallets to “mega companies” and large LPs who rent thousands of square meters.

According to Colliers International, 2010 could be the year of stabilization, if the market moves towards balance. “Although it is important to emphasize that following the maturity of discounted products, pricing of the newly built properties may be different from last year’s favourable prices” – added  Mr. Tamás Beck, Head of the Industrial Division at Colliers International.


Source: OGH

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