2025. január 24., péntek - Timót


Yes after no?

2009-12-14 590
After long political and media debates it is still not expected that a final decision there will be at the next Zuglo’s municipality meeting on the setting of Mundo-project of a value nearly 50 billion forints. Although a few weeks ago 18 yes votes (against 12 no) already gave the green light to the project, but the veto of Mayor Leonard Weinek and more failed subsequent votings stopped the process.
 But the voting, even voted down, means the headway of the procedure and step ahead into Mundo fruition.

"Technically, the next voting is irrelevant to us. Since the veto there has been continuous background negotiations with the experts delegated by the municipality, of which result a new bid will be submitted to the plenum. In spite of this, because of procedural reasons, the old offer of Echo Investment may be on the agenda only at the forthcoming vote. It is therefore not surprising if it would be voted down by the members "- said the Polish real estate company's project manager, Ahmet Çetin. The project manager underlined that this formal voting is indispensable to fulfill the procedure and push the whole process ahead.

Echo Investment, one of the fastest developing real estate developer in Central and Eastern Europe, is waiting for several months for the decision which has been blocked recently to start the development of the new city centre at the empty and neglected plot of Bosnian Square. In case of a positive deceison an investment of nearly 50 billion forint could be launched, which could also contribute to the significant growth of the district’s tax revenues and, last but not least, some 1000 new jobs could be created. "As a further essential step should be to find solution for the swimming pool, and to continue the discussions with the municipality to find the optimal solutions regarding the issues beeing in questions as soon as possible"- Ahmet Cetin summarized the position of Echo Investment.

Source: O|G|H

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