2025. január 20., hétfő - Sebestyén


Two new "flagships" in the Andrássy út PDS

2009-08-04 789
ImageThe Andrássy út Paris Department Store (PDS), owned and recently fully renovated by Orco Property Group has successfully acquired two new tenant additions with the contribution of Colliers International real estate agency. Israeli AHAVA – maker of Dead Sea cosmetics – will open an exclusive shop on August 15 in PDS.

The Andrássy út Paris Department Store (PDS), owned and recently fully renovated by Orco Property Group has successfully acquired two new tenant additions with the contribution of Colliers International real estate agency. Israeli AHAVA – maker of Dead Sea cosmetics – will open an exclusive shop on August 15 in PDS. While the premium skin care products, utilizing mud, salt and minerals extracted from the Dead Sea, have been available in Douglas stores for the last two years, the manufacturer of the high-end cosmetics products wants to strengthen market presence with the establishment of a dedicated brand shop combined with a salon for specialized treatments.

The other tenant will be arriving on Andrássy út with a highly compelling ’flagship’ store: Alexandra Bookstore is leasing 1800 square meters of space on two floors in the painstakingly renovated secessionist building. The bookstore’s elegant multimedia shop will open at the end of August, and will be accessible not only from Andrássy út but also from Paulay Ede utca behind the building. According to plan, in addition to the store’s selection of books, CDs and DVDs, further products will also be offered. Operating as part of the Alexandra Bookstore, the historical Lotz-terem will house a Book Café and Wine Bar, where in addition to enjoying a coffee or glass of wine, the public will be invited to attend the occasional small event, book reading or concert.

Anita Csörgő, senior broker of the retail division at Colliers International Hungary, who has been working for over 10 years on the renewal of Budapest’s downtown shopping streets, said the Paris Department Store and the two new ‘flagships’ arriving soon will add further footfall to the dynamically developing Andrássy út.


Source: O|G|H 



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