2025. február 24., hétfő - Mátyás


Awards ceremony: consensus in Zugló

2010-02-25 685
Zugló and Bosnyák square provided a good model for cooperation last summer during the celebrations of 20th August when the municipality board, several foundations and Echo Investment, the real estate developer of the new `Mundo` district centre were joint hosts of Chango children from Magyarfalva.

The small group from Transylvania had fond memories of the event, not just of the lively celebration but also because there was a photo contest and some valuable prizes as well. Prizes will be presented to the children in the beginning of April 2010 in Transylvania by the representatives of the municipality.

It was refreshing to watch the dances and listen to the songs performed by Chango children at the Bosnyák square festival as the Chango people are considered to be the group of people who carry the tradition of the archaic Hungarian language.  By the help of a foundation, a group of 80 children arrived to Hungary to spend their holiday at lake Balaton.

It was the Zugló municipality that invited the group to the festival and Echo Investment was happy to join the event as the municipality asked the company to provide gifts for the children. The real estate developer of the new district centre at Bosnyák square wanted to enrich the group's Hungarian holiday and donated photo cameras to each child in order that they could make pictures of their experiences, and Echo also undertook the task of developing the pictures, jury them and grant prizes for the best ones.

The children returned home but in the meantime the ad hoc Hungarian-Polish-Turkish international jury, formed by the local and regional managers of Echo evaluated the pictures to decide on the winners. Seeing the outstanding quality of these photos however, a consensus was reached within the jury: all of the 80 children would receive prizes, a photo album with pictures of Hungarian landscapes, and a digital camera would be awarded to the maker of best photo as a grand prize. The prizes will be presented to the children by the representatives of the municipality when they travel to Transylvania during Easter.

News Source: O|G|H


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