2025. március 10., hétfő - Ildikó


Finnish building mechanics company in South Buda Business Park

2010-04-12 688
 South Buda Business Park (SBBP) grew by yet another tenant when Uponor Épületgépészti Kft. fitted out its 350 square meter office space, then moved in at the end of March – we find out from Miklós Saly, Head of the Office Leasing Division at Colliers International Hungary.

Uponor, known for being a market leader with its modern residential and industrial water pipes and energy efficient heating and cooling systems, is now present in over 100 countries worldwide. The managing director of the Hungarian division of the company felt that quality and company image were the most important factors when choosing office space.

The „A” class office building encompasses six floors of office space, as well as a 431 space, two floor underground parking garage. In the immediate vicinity of the building, numerous amenities can be found that service tenants’ needs – restaurants, a shopping and entertainment center, post office, fitness center, hand car wash and petrol station.

Uponor has leased their space in the building for 3 years, with the assistance of Colliers International Hungary, exclusive leasing agent of SBBP.


Source: OGH



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