2025. március 11., kedd - Szilárd


New regional Head of Investment Services

2010-03-23 796

 Colliers International CEE has announced the appointment of John Verpeleti to Managing Director, CEE Investment Services. The appointment of John Verpeleti to Managing Director, CEE Investment Services including full responsibility for the company’s ...

... capital markets business across Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria and the Ukraine. 

Mr Verpeleti, an Australian expatriate who has worked in Central & Eastern Europe since 1991, is widely recognized as a top real estate industry executive having held senior positions with AXA Real Estate Investment Management and DTZ.

With DTZ, he managed the group's operations and offices in Central and Eastern Europe and was actively involved in the company's regional investment activities. He was adviser to several major transactions in the region since the investment market started in the late nineties.

He is the former Regional Head - Central and Eastern Europe for AXA REIM following his appointment to the position in November 2005. The group managed some €1.0 billion of assets in the region as at the end of 2008.

John holds academic qualifications in real estate valuations, business studies and property, and is a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), as well as a Fellow of the Australian Property Institute.

“We are delighted that John has agreed to lead our investment services business,” said Hadley Dean, Managing Partner at Colliers International in CEE. “We intend to continue to strengthen our institutional capabilities and increase our market share across the region. John has a proven track record in executive leadership and deal making in addition to having one of the best reputations and networks in Central & Eastern Europe.”

“Colliers' commitment to the region and investment services impressed me and I look forward to being involved with an already successful team,” said John Verpeleti. “With the other initiatives the company is looking at, the future shape of the business is looking good.”

“Having Mr. Verpeleti join our company will indeed ensure Colliers International continues to accelerate the success of our clients and will without doubt expand our Capital markets capability across the region” added Hamish White, Head of Investment Services for Colliers International Hungary. “We are delighted such a well respected and professional member of the Real Estate community will be seated in the Hungarian office”.

 (Source: Colliers International Hungary)


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