2025. január 23., csütörtök - Zelma


New tenant in South Buda Business Park

2009-11-30 521
GLD Investment Group’s „A” class office building is pleased to announce a new, constantly expanding local software developer tenant in the building, Astron Informatikai Kft, from November of 2009 – said Máté Gorondy, broker at Colliers International’s Office Leasing division.   
Astron’s decision follows a period of competing numerous office buildings with each other, after which the promising developing area of district XI. was chosen. Dr. Attila Kovács, managing director of the company said the decision was influenced by the high quality fitout of the building, the best price in the city as well as the free parking available in the surrounding areas. Another advantage of the building is it’s location deep in the quickly developing area of district XI, thanks to which there are shopping, recreational and sports opportunity close by.

The tenant has leased an area of 1100 sqm with a long-term lease, and moved into South Buda Business Park in November of 2009. Colliers International represented the vendor during the tenant search and negotiation process – summmarized Máté Gorondy.

Astron Informatikai Kft. is a Hungarian owned software development company established in 1999. The company’s main activity is customized software development for the unique needs of clients and providing professional consultancy services.
Astron’s client include large domestic electrical and gas public service companies, a mobile communications company and divisions of Siemens AG in Germany, the United States and Asia. The company’s headquarter is located in Budapest, and they have a developer’s office in Szeged since 2006. Currently the company employs 85 people, with a yearly income around 1 000 million HUF.


Author of the article: O|G|H

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