2025. január 21., kedd - Ágnes


Hungarian and regional changes at Colliers International

2010-07-01 562

 Structural changes are underway from September 1st, 2010 at Colliers International, the world’s third largest commercial real estate services firm.  Tim Hulzebos will replace Michael Smithing as Managing Director for Colliers International Hungary.

After 10 years as Managing Partner of Colliers International’s Hungarian office, Michael Smithing has been promoted to Executive Director, CEE. Michael will be based in Budapest and will join the regional executive team, reporting to Hadley Dean, Managing Partner of Colliers International, CEE.

“Michael has worked with Colliers Hungary for over 18 years and has done a great job building the business to its current success. Michael’s key strength is creating and executing innovative solutions to problems. This is a skill that we want to capitalize on to bring Colliers’ business in CEE to the next level. I am excited that Mike is joining the regional team.” – said Hadley Dean.

Tim Hulzebos will replace Michael Smithing as Managing director of the Hungarian office from the September 1st, 2010. He is a Dutch citizen who has lived in Budapest since 1995. Tim has vast experience in the Budapest real estate market, with an impressive career and history in the industry. He has worked for DTZ Hungary, as Agency Director in Hungary and later as Regional Director for Business Development. Most recently, he was the Development Director for ING Real Estate Development Hungary and developed and leased the Allee shopping center.

“I am delighted to join Colliers and excited about quickly make us the number one property adviser in the market, building on our already strong position and experienced and motivated staff. I have a strong respect for my predecessor Michael Smithing who has lead the office for more than 10 years and has brought it to its current strong position. We hope to continue drawing on Michael’s experience and network and wish him success in his new position within Colliers.” – summarized Tim Hulzebos.

“Tim was a great competitor and was a natural choice to take over the Hungarian office when I agreed to move into the Executive Director position.  I’m confident that Tim will quickly capitalize on what I’ve built over the past decade to accelerate our success in Hungary.  I’m excited about jumping into the regional role and helping to create the strongest real estate company in the region.” – said Michael Smithing.


Source: Colliers


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